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Body Scan

- Albert Tiong


  • Lie down on your back with legs slightly apart

  • Raise your knees if that is more comfortable

  • Close your eyes

  • Feel the weight of your body on the floor or bed



  • When you are ready, move your awareness to the toes of your left foot

  • Focus on each toe

  • Be aware of any sensation, the touch of one toe against another

  • Turn your awareness to the other parts of the left foot - sole, heel, ankle



  • Now move your attention to your left shin, calf, knee and thigh

  • Scan each of these areas with awareness for about half a minute



  • When you feel ready, take your attention away from your left leg and on to your right leg

  • Just like previously, focus on each toes, the progress to the sole, heel and ankle

  • Move your attention to the right shin, calf, knee and thigh



  • Do the same for the pelvic area - groin, genitals, buttocks and hips

  • When you are ready, move your attention to the lower abdomen and lower back

  • Pay attention to your abdomen moving as you breathe



  • Focus your attention on your chest and upper back

  • Be aware of the rising and falling of your body as you breathe

  • Feel your heart beating



  • Take your attention down along your left arm, focus on the five fingers, palm, and wrist

  • Take your attention up towards the lower arm, elbow, upper arm and shoulder

  • Do the same for the right arm, hand, palm, wrist, elbow and shoulder



  • Bring your attention now to the neck and throat

  • After about 30 seconds, focus on your jaw and mouth

  • Feel your lips touching each other

  • Feel your tongue against your teeth and the top part of your mouth



  • Focus on your eyes and eyelids

  • Feel the sensation of your eyes blinking

  • Feel any difference of feelings between the left and right eye

  • Bring your attention to your nose, notice the air going into and out of your nose



  • Focus on your ears, cheeks temples, forehead

  • And to the top of your head, including your hair and scalp




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