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Introduction To Mindfulness

- Albert Tiong

Are you having difficulties concentrating? Easily distracted? Suffering from stress and depression? Cannot find the solutions to your problems? Don’t worry, you are one of many people with the same issue. Fortunately we have the answer you are looking for. It is “Mindfulness”. Mindfulness is a special way of paying attention that can help with how we cope with everyday life or deal with tough times. It is a practice of intentionally paying attention in the present moment in a non-judgement way. Our mind is always focused on something that has already passed, or has not even happened yet, and that often brings along stress and anxiety. Mindfulness is a skill everyone can develop if they wish to increase their self-awareness, well-being and performance. Mindfulness practices have a positive impact on our physical, mental, emotional health and interpersonal relationships. Individuals can enhance their ability to be aware in everyday life, through activities such as the awareness of breath, or even by simply paying more attention during regular activities like walking, driving, eating or something as basic as brushing your teeth. We do many things often without much concentration. Many of the actions happen automatically. Even how we respond to negative events are automatic. We do not control our mind and we allow ourselves to be angry or sad, which then affects people around you. Mindfulness can help, but just like going to the gym, mindfulness requires regular practice. Over time, you will develop the ability to control your mind.


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